Welcome To Sri Sanatan Foundation
The Trust is working by Manging Trustee, Shri Chandramani Sahoo since 2008 in the village of Surkabadi, Ps. Ranpur, Dt.Nayagarh-752065 for helping poor student to get admission in colleges, promote educational awareness amongs stundents/local people by celebrating Kalika Vikas Sambardhana Samaroha with cooperation of Panchayat High School, Surkabadi, Nayagarh-752065. Surkabadi is a panchayat having 18 villages, 3 High Schools including one Girls High School.
It lies between the dense forests and Hills. Many people living in these villages belong to SC, ST and OBC catagory. They do not know importance of education. Within 10 km area, there are no colleges. More than 150 boys/girls are passing out 10th each year. However due to financial problems and conveyance probles 80 percent of passing students are unable to reach Junior Colleges.
With a view to serve these students, many people approched the above said Managing Trustee to come forward and open a college in Surkabadi for future study of the ill fated students. Since the Managing Trustee is not able to contribute itself all the expenditure to form and run a College, he has decided to form a Trust and collect donation for the neck work from his freinds, relatives, clients and People.